So, I finished inking that two page comic I was working on, and have scanned it in and am starting to play around in photoshop with colors and such. I'm not very well versed in either photoshop or color palettes, so I'd like for anyone who cares to to comment on this. I've got the general colors of the backgrounds in place, and some coloring on objects. What do you think? Do the overall colors work? How should I be coloringg this piece?

Looks good. I think this might be the first time I've seen your drawings in color (that I can remember).
Try to have it completely finished before you ask for critiques, though. In many cases, when I ask for feedback on unfinished work, it usually kills my motivation to finishing something. Next meeting, I'll be sure to bring a color theory book I have that really helped me understand that kind of stuff. Here's the link to the Amazon page of said book.
thanks for the comment. I realize that I should have finished this up a bit more before I started asking for critiques. As for the book you mentioned, we have a copy at work so you don't need to bring it to our next meeting. I tried to use the advice and techniques put forth in it, I'm glad you think it looks good so far.
However, I lost the high-rez colored versions that I made these small preview images from and my computer is also in the shop right now to be fixed so not only can I not work on it right now, but when I get back I have to start all over again.
So really, if you think about it, these are the finished versions of these images. So I didn't do anything wrong in posting them. So there!
seriously though, when I get my computer back I will take your advice when I start over.
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