Wow, this one is a late update if I've ever heard of one.
Epac was a great success! We sold plenty of prints, got to meet a ton of good people and even made some friends along the way! The feel good story of the month!
Congratulations to
Beth from El Paso who won the raffle for the Steam Machines painting! Thanks to all who entered, next year we plan to have more stuff to give away and an even larger amount of prints and drawings!

Again, thanks to all who attended and stopped by our table. We'll see you all next year!
ha you got a friend of mine he's has the duck and i have the misfit T-short, you got some Awesome stuff and cant wate for next year
Yeah, I remember you guys! That was an unusual request, probably stranger than the yaoi stuff I was asked to do...
We're pumped for the next EPAC, and I don't see why we shouldn't try to best ourselves again next year. See you then!
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