I occasionally suffer from tinnitus, which is the fancy term for "ringing in the ears." During the day it's not really a problem. But when I can't sleep at night, the ringing gets worse and worse, until it feels like it is the cause of my insomnia, rather than the other way around.

This is awesome!
The face is stunning, captures a lot of dead emotion. The colors look rotoscoped, which I like.
The devils looked propped, like they don't belong in that space. And their proportions feel really off. I can't help but think of midgets. I'm judging this mostly on the size of the hands and the size of the tiny legs.
I'm probably the last person that should say this...why are they nude? Is there a reason for it? Feels like the nudity has no purpose to the drawing.
It gets better and better!
Nice. Captures the hell that is insomnia.
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