Hey all, here is a series of trading cards I made about smart animals looking dumb! I highly recommend drawing something smart looking stupid, it is very therapeutic. I do not recommend drawing intricate borders like that on trading-card sized pieces of illustration board, it is very hard on the eyes. And the hand. The owl doesn't look as dumb as I would have hoped but I can't really say she looks particularly smart, either.

The parrot is by far my favorite. Well done!
Yay! Love these.
I would call these more 1860's arts and crafts (in the style of William Morris), due to the illuminated manuscript quality of the border and how symmetrical each one is. Also the plantlike elements of the design make me think that more than art nouveau. Art nouveau is defined by having an assymetrical composition, organic shapes wherever possible, and emphasis on female form.
But yeah, the idea of these amazingly dumb animals being in the style of William Morris is hilarious because Mr. Morris was apparently a stuck-up asshole who would go into a fit of rage if someone even so much as giggled at him. :) Now that I have explained this joke to you in gruesome detail I hope you find these animals even more funny!
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