the reference.
and a 30 min speedy..
I figure I'd like to use this blog as a way to put up inspiration, good artists, artist blogs and any kind of art information that I find interesting , i shall post up here. I know I'm always telling you guys to check out these certain artists that are really good, so it would probably be more convenient to just post their website or blog in here. It would be cool if you guys did the same.
also I thought i'd leave you guys this funny quote from Edgar Degas that I read at the Museum of Art in Denver:
"An artist should copy the masters and re-copy them, and after he has given every evidence of being a good copyist, he might then reasonably be allowed to do a radish, perhaps, from Nature"

Very cool. I like the posture of the cowboy guy, says a lot of the character. But I can see some proportion issues. One of his arms is much shorter than it should be, and the waistline is really high.
Keep 'em coming.
thanks man, hmm it does look a bit strange, the whole arm thing, but I was going off the reference, i'll post the reference to show you. I agree that the waistline is a bit higher.
more so than trying to be accurate,it was more of a color and light study.
Ah, I get it now. Guess it's the angle of the camera that made the arm look funny to me.
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