More selections from my sketchbook. I've been fairly productive now that school has started, and there's more sources to draw inspiration from.
Some of these contain questionable material, and borderline tastelessness to a more sensitive audience, so beware.

I'm trying to shift from sketches to doing more watercolor/ink paintings, but we'll see how it works out. I did manage to finish this one, and I'm very satisfied with the results...

Also, here's some drawings left in my sketchbook from the group, who choose to remain unrepresented (that's a call to arms to
James and
Phillip, respectively).
These are looking awesome Mario. Its great to see you drawing from reference/life. Definately the best way to learn is drawing from life. Love the sketch of RDJ. and that pope guy is disturbingly awesome. You've been doing some really cool things with watercolor! James and Phillip are doing very cool things as well, it would be great to see more!
Thanks for the comments! I'm taking two drawing classes this semester, one of them being nude figure drawing. My sister asked me to draw her a tattoo, and while sketching some ideas, I noticed that my anatomy has improved. I have a better understanding of joints, weight, and musculature, it's crazy.
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